Thursday, November 10, 2022

Article 75 - Subject: Dear beneficiary


From: MR. William Johnson <>

To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Dear beneficiary

From United States Former Ambassador:

This is MR. William Johnson the Former United States Ambassador.
I came down here for an
ECOWAS meeting and I  was searching for some files that I left in this
office before I left and found out that you have not received your fund,
and I asked the present ambassador Mr James Knight what happened that
you have not receive your fund since months ago, and he said that you
refused to pay the required fee for the delivery of your ATM CARD.

I'm contacting you this morning because the director of the ATM CARD
center here said that they will divert your ATM CARD
to the Government Treasury just because that you cannot pay for the service
fee of your ATM CARD which is $50.00 only according to them.

But I told them to wait until I hear from you today so that I will know
the reason why you rejected such amount of money $5.5 Million which will
change your life just because of $50.OO

I want your urgent response as soon as you receive this email and
explain to me the reason why you have abandon your ATM CARD because of $50.OO
But if you don't need it then I can change your name to another person so
that this Government will not claim this money but I know that you will love
to have it.

My dear I want to help you to receive this fund because it was a big
shock to me that you have not receive your ATM CARD and withdraw your
money since months ago you will receive your funds today.

This is where you should send the fee today and don't fail to do that
as I have said.

Here is how to make the payment.
you can send it through steam wallet card or iTunes card

text mobile phone ::::+1(818)446_6404

look forward to hear from you soon as possible you got this email.
yours Hon MR. William Johnson

Our Reply:

On 11/10/2022 12:59 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Oh shit! I forgot to pay you $50 dollars? I am so sorry about that. It's no wonder why I haven't received my funds by now. I got busy working at the night club as a disco dancer. Really, I shit you not. Check out these dance moves.

What do you think? I went out one night and started dancing. Next thing you know, I was hired on the spot. I really love my job but not really something that I want to do in the long term. I'd rather not work at all which is why the 5.5 million dollars will come in handy. What can I say? I've got great moves and a handsome face.

Now for the good news. I went to the apple store today and found the iTunes gift card. Once I get my 5.5 million dollars, I think I'll buy the club where I work at. I'm going to throw a big party and everything. Of course you're invited. I'll even pay for your air flight and hotel expenses. Here's your gift card.


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