Friday, November 11, 2022

Article 76 - Subject: From Chase Bank New York.


From: Mr Emmanuel Johnson <>

To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: From Chase Bank New York.



This is to inform you that your funds valued of $3.5millions dollars
has been release and approve for transfer by Chase Bank New York,
contact me back by e-mail ( so that you will
receive your funds immediately.

Best Regard
Mr Emmanuel Johnson
From Chase Bank New York.

Our Reply:

On 11/10/22, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Ok, this got my attention. Please release my funds immediately.


Stu Pidasso

On 11/10/2022 10:09 AM, Bank Chase wrote: 

270 North Avenue New Rochelle NY  10801 United State.@

Dear Valuable Customer,


I read your e-mail in regards of your fund  US$3,500,000.00 Million
STATE DOLLARS) the best way to make this transaction is by this 3
option i gave you below.

It might interest you to know that all arrangements have already been
concluded in regards to the immediate disbursement of your fund to you
accordingly. Without wasting much time, it is our pleasure to notify
you on our three major mode of disbursing funds to our clients; so you
are expected to choose the best option that suites you. The options
are as follows:

1. Through a Certified bank draft which will be delivered to your
door-step by an approved courier service. This way your full contact
address will be needed for successfully delivery of your Certified
Bank draft to you as designated, But note that this option will cost
you $225 only including the insurance.

2. Through an ATM Master Card which will be delivered to your
door-step by an approved courier service. This way your full contact
address will be needed for successfully delivery of your ATM Card to
you as designated, this option will cost you $250 only including the

3. Through Telegraphic transfer, this way your fund will be wired
directly into your nominated Bank account as designated and means your
banking information will be needed so as to enable the foreign
remittance director start processing your payment file prior to
subsequent release of your fund into your Bank account without any
further delay, but note that the Cost of Transferring (COT) is $200

You are further advised to choose from the above listed options on the
mode which you wish to receive your funds and take very good note that
this required fee is just one time fee, there is nothing like fee
after fee because we are not small Bank, and we cannot be asking our
customer for fees after fee, so bear it in your mind that any of this
above option you chose is just one time fee and no more coming back to
request for more

Mr. Emmanuel Johnson
External Reserves Credit Manager
270 North Avenue New Rochelle NY  10801 United State.@ 

On 11/10/22, Stu Pidasso wrote: 

I will like to choose option 2 - ATM card.


Stu Pidasso

On 11/11/2022 9:58 AM, Bank Chase wrote: 

270 North Avenue New Rochelle NY  10801 United State.@

Dear Valuable Customer,


I read your e-mail and understand that you chose option 2 in other to
receive your fund $3.5millions dollars via a ATM CARD which will be
delivered to your door-step and that will cost you $250 only.

I want to inform you that this required fee $250 will be sent to the
country origin of your funds Benin Republic for them to issue fund
release order in other to release your Funds $3.5millions dollars here
in chase Bank New York Branch so that we can get your fund
$3.5millions dollars ATM CARD delivered to your door-step.

Note that we have completed all the delivery process to get your funds
$3.5millions dollars deliver to you and it is only this required fee
$250 is only thing holding your delivery now because this $250 is one
time fee and nothing again and as soon as you can send this fee of
$250 only as i directed you then your funds will be release and we
will get this transaction done.

Below is the Information for you to send fee $250 by Western Union or
RIA for them to issue the funds release order of your funds
$3.5millions dollars ATM CARD delivered to your door-step.

Receiver name  Philip Laye
Country    Benin Republic
City      Cotonou
Question   Honest
Answer   Trust
Sender name.....?

Mr. Emmanuel Johnson
External Reserves Credit Manager
270 North Avenue New Rochelle NY  10801 United State.@

On 11/11/2022 11:07 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote: 

Hey Stu Pidasso here. You mean all I have to do pay you a fee of $250 dollars via Western Union and I get my 3.5 million dollars on an ATM card? That's unbelievable! I can now be able to invest in my own company. I am an inventor and I have a few projects already in the works. The first product that I am going to invest in is my noodle cooling fan. Why? Don't you hate when you're about to eat your noodles and they're steaming hot? Well this is the solution.

I think it will be a big hit. Hate sweeping the floors? I have invented a non expensive solution to the Roomba. It requires no electricity or batteries. You just place it on the floor and it does it's thing for you. It's also machine washable. 

Tired of the same boring trip to the bathroom? Well not anymore. I bring to you the Potty Putter. Guarantee to provide you with hours of fun and practice. The only problem that you will run into is people pounding on the bathroom door shouting "Hey what the hell are you doing in there"? LOL! 

The 3.5 million dollars is going to help me to put these projects into fast forward. I want to thank you very much for making this possible. Now without further due, here's your Western Union.

Hey Mr. Johnson, wasn't that hilarious? If you enjoyed this funny scammer exposure story, please visit our blog at to view more. We add new ones like this everyday. We guarantee that you will laugh your ass off!


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