Wednesday, September 28, 2022



From: Christopher A. Wray. <>

To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:



Office Of The Director,
Christopher A. Wray,
Federal Bureau Of Investigation,
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, Washington, D.C. 20535-0001, USA.
Dear Sir/Madam,
The attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been directed by our International Operations Division on your transaction with the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) concerning your over-due inheritance / contract payment. It might interest you to learn that we have fully analysed the transaction as stipulated by our Investigative Operational Guidelines and have confirmed that it is 100% genuine and hitch free, and of which you have the legitimate right to claim.
We recently had our spring meetings with the Governor of the National Bank of Belgium, Mr. Ronald J. Gidwitz and some top officials of the ministry in regard to the subject matter and we were led to understand that your payment file was held in abeyance pending when you personally apply for its claim. But the major challenges facing the Bank are (i). Some unscrupulous elements are using this project as an avenue to scam innocent people off their hard earned money by impersonating the Governor or an official of the National Bank of Belgium. (ii). A woman named Mrs. Linda Box, from New York submitted an application to NBB with a power of attorney and some official documents (allegedly signed by you) prior to the release of  your Funds (US$8,000,000.00) to her due to your ill health.'
In view of all these, we have been urged to warn beneficiaries who have received information pertaining to their outstanding inheritance / contract payment to be very careful, in order not to be a victim of circumstance.  In case you are already dealing with someone from the National Bank of Belgium/Any Bank or whichever office, you are strictly advised to DESIST from further communication with that individual in your best interest, and thereby contact the real office of the National Bank of Belgium via the below information:
Name: Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Office Address: Boulevard De Berlaimont 14
1000 Brussels, Belgium
NOTE: You should ignore any message that does not come from the above email address for security reasons. And to enable the National Bank of Belgium to process and release the fund to you, you are required to re-confirm your ful details such as:
Your full Name:
Contact Home Address:
Your Cell Phone Number:
Your Date of Birth:
Ensure that you abide to the National Bank of Belgium due process in line with the International Banking Secrecy Act, to avoid any form of discrepancy, which may hinder your funds transfer.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation as we earnestly await your urgent reply.
Best Regards,
Christopher A. Wray,
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Our Reply:

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 7:20 AM Stu Pidasso wrote:

Here's the information that you requested. I'm so excited and I just cant hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.

Your full Name: Dixie Normous
Contact Home Address: 1473 Popham Ave, Bronx, NY 10453
Your Cell Phone Number: (860) 469-2205‬
Your Date of Birth: 09/16/1987
Sex: M
Country: USA



On 9/25/2022 3:47 PM, Pierre Wunsch wrote:

1000 Brussels
From The Office of Mr. Pierre Wunsch,
The Governor, National Bank of Belgium.
Reference NO.: NBB/BEBB/2021
Payment Schedule Number file: NBB/FGB/22

Code: 015

Attention:Dixie Normous,

The governor’s office of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) acknowledged the receipt of your email regarding your funds ($8million US Dollars) only. We have noted that you did not authorize your release of funds to anyone.

But, we are handicapped on the immediate release of your $8,000,000.00 Million US Dollars to you due to the contingencies of the legal documents presented by this impostor, which give her the legal right to claim your funds. For us (National Bank of Belgium) to effectively release your funds, you will need to help us serve you better.

Firstly, you are required to provide us with the below information(s):

1. Full Names:  
2. Full residential address:
3. Your private phone and fax numbers:
4. Your direct contact address:
5. Your Marital Status:
6. Your Occupation:
7. Your Banking particulars such as Account Holder: Account Number: Bank Name: Bank Address: Routing Number: and Swift Code: where you intend your funds to be remitted into.

Upon receiving the above information from you, the National Bank of Belgium will begin releasing your $8million to you through bank transfer.
Important Notice:
Secondly, as directed by Mr. Christopher A Wray of the FBI, you were advised to contact me for the immediate release of your funds, I have received your email and I would want you to understand that your funds have been recalled last week because you did not forward your claim as the right beneficiary, you have been misled all this while.
Note, for security reasons you have been assigned a code/password which is {Code: 015}. This code is the reference number for your transfer and it's been disclosed to you alone, jealously guard it and all your email responses should carry it as the subject phrase.
We are now aware that you did not authorize Mrs. Linda Box of NEW YORK who contacted us on your behalf to claim the US$8,000,000.00. This is now in the records of NBB.
And in regards to the documents in question which Mrs. Linda Box presented, we are currently investigating the source and as not to influence our investigations, we hereby plead with you to understand that we cannot send it to you till we determine the result of our investigation.
Concerning the release of your long overdue funds, you have to secure a court injunction from the Court of Cassation here to counter the lie placed on the funds so that we, the payee bank, shall be given the authority to release the funds to you.
Mrs. Linda Box in her desperate need to acquire your funds obtained and placed a legal lien on the fund, thereby hindering us from remitting the fund to anyone except her. It is no fault of yours, but from your confirmation, we now know she is a dubious person who leads us to believe you sent her.
However, the most urgent and important thing for you to do is to obtain the court injunction order, which shall counter the lien placed on your fund and as well restrain this dubious woman or any other person from having the legal right to claim/access your funds.
To secure the court injunction order,  you will be required to apply to the Court of Cassation here through the NBB accredited attorney who will do that on your behalf after we must have received the re-confirmation of your information as requested above.

Thus, we again implore you to respond promptly so that the attorney can get the application filed on time and get a quick response letter with the requirements of the Court of Cassation for the release of the court injunction order to you. I will inform you of the next step once I receive your response.

Attached is a copy of identification for perusal.

Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you, so you have nothing to worry about. You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: +32 460 242800 at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Mobile Phone:  +32 460 242800

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 1:00 PM Stu Pidasso wrote:

Good Afternoon Mr. Wunsch,

Here's the information that you requested:

1. Full Names:  Dixie Normous
2. Full residential address: 1473 Popham Ave, Bronx, NY 10453
3. Your private phone and fax numbers: (860) 469-2205‬
4. Your direct contact address:
5. Your Marital Status: M
6. Your Occupation: Sales Executive
7. Your Banking particulars such as Account Holder: 000012435: Citi Bank Bank: P.O. BOX 9001037: 243672398: and Swift Code: NBBEBEBBEOC.

On 9/25/2022 4:07 PM, Pierre Wunsch wrote:

Boulevard De Berlaimont 14
1000 Brussels

From The Office of Mr. Pierre Wunsch,
The Governor, National Bank of Belgium.
Reference NO.: NBB/BEBB/2021
Payment Schedule Number file: NBB/FGB/22

Code: 015

Attn:Dixie Normous,

I want you to know that your information has been recorded in your files and forwarded to every Department concerned with releasing your funds [$8,000,000.00 USD] in order to avoid mistakes.

At this point, I insist you desist from contacting any of those impostors for your best interest and to safeguard your funds against the cohorts of Mrs. Linda Box. Ensure you maintain the maximum confidentiality of the Code of Communication [Code: 015].
The National Bank of Belgium cannot immediately transfer the fund to your bank account without the Court Injunction Order, which must be procured in your name from the Court of Cassation because we have not apprehended Mrs. Linda Box and her case is still under investigation due to the vital Legal Documents she submitted on your behalf. This has been the reason we must get a Court Injunction Order before the Court Case hearing due for Monday which might go in her favor if we do not have the Court Injunction Order in your name.
In regards to the documents Mrs. Linda Box presented, we are currently investigating the source and as not to influence our investigations, we plead with you to understand that we cannot send those papers to you till we determine the result of our investigations.
With regards to the transfer of your overdue funds, you will have to secure the court injunction from the Court of Cassation here to counter the lien placed on the funds, so the National Bank of Belgium can be authorized to carry out the transfer.
To secure this court injunction order, the NBB accredited attorney has already filed an application on your behalf at the Court of Cassation today, and attached herein is the response letter with the requirements of the Court of Cassation for the release of the court injunction order to you.
The Court Injunction Order is the Certificate that shall restrain anybody from laying claim on your funds, it is an authority Certificate that represents you since you can make it to the Court case, it shall exonerate you from Mrs. Linda Box and also give us the authority to arrest her   US$2,850
We have concluded discussions with the Chief Justice of the Court of Cassation and he has agreed to adjourn the court hearing to September 29t 2022, so that I will advise you to act fast towards securing the certificate needed.
And according to The Court Bill from the Court of Cassation, the Injunction Certificate shall cost you the sum of  US$2,850 In conclusion, you should rest assured because, in the end, you will receive your fund while Mrs. Linda  Box will be apprehended and put in prison where she belongs. Ensure you keep to the Code of Communication [Code: 015].

Hence, you are hereby advised to respond to me for payment information(s) with which you will send the   US$2,850

NOTE: Your failure to make the payment of the US$2,850 for securing the injunction certificate before the court sitting date will warrant the Court of Cassation to award your fund to Mrs. Linda Box, Find attach copy of when Mrs Linda Box was apprehend and can find attached copy of the F.B.I monitoring department and the video of your funds when it was been approved.

Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you, so you have nothing to worry about. You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: ( +32 460 242800) at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Mobile Phone: +32 460 242800
Governor, National Bank of Belgium (NBB).

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 1:23 PM Stu Pidasso wrote:

Ok, how do I send you US$2,850?



On 9/25/2022 5:15 PM, Pierre Wunsch wrote:

Boulevard De Berlaimont 14
1000 Brussels

From The Office of Mr. Pierre Wunsch,
The Governor, National Bank of Belgium.
Reference NO.: NBB/BEBB/2021
Payment Schedule Number file: NBB/FGB/22

Code: 015

Attn:Dixie Normous,

You are expected to proceed to any bitcoin ATM machine and send the $2,850 across to the bitcoin address attached to this message below: 12D3e3caSzVs2Qe93FzTF2Mspu4nCfACYS
Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you, so you have nothing to worry about. You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: ( +32 460 242800) at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Mobile Phone: +32 460 242800
Governor, National Bank of Belgium (NBB).

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 3:33 PM Stu Pidasso wrote:

Sorry, I don't use Bitcoin anymore because of a bad experience that I once had with a scammer. What other types of payments do you accept for the fee?



On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 12:35 AM Pierre Wunsch wrote:

1000 Brussels

From The Office of Mr. Pierre Wunsch,
The Governor, National Bank of Belgium.
Reference NO.: NBB/BEBB/2021
Payment Schedule Number file: NBB/FGB/22

Code: 015

Attn:Dixie Normous,

Since you don't use bitcoin as a means of payment, You are expected to make the payment to our correspondence Bank account details below.

Bank of America
Account name: Nijah Watson
Acct # 488103132109
Routing# 111000025
Wire # 026009593
Bank Addy:
5348 Westheimer Rd Houston Tx 77056
Home Addy:
5880 Inwood Dr #3037
Houston, Tx 77057

Immediately payment has been made, You are expected to get back to me with the payment specimen for us to effect the release of your funds release to you immediately.

Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you, so you have nothing to worry about. You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: ( +32 460 242800) at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Mobile Phone: +32 460 242800
Governor, National Bank of Belgium (NBB).
Note: You know the saying "you know how to keep an asshole waiting"? Well we decided to do just that and received the following message, in which we had a hard time interpreting:
On 9/26/2022 10:53 PM, Pierre Wunsch wrote:

Boulevard De Berlaimont 14
1000 Brussels

From The Office of Mr. Pierre Wunsch,
The Governor, National Bank of Belgium.
Reference NO.: NBB/BEBB/2021
Payment Schedule Number file: NBB/FGB/22

Code: 015

Attention Dixie,

Keeping mute to all my messages at all times won’t change the situation at hand,Though I understand that it’s has taken a long time but the right time is now knowing that we are all entitled to our own opinion but I want you to know that the the strongest thing  we owned is our mind and if we believe it in ourselves,Then we can achieve it. The mind is a powerful thing, if people say something, it doesn't make it so. *Our reaction: ???????????

Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you, so you have nothing to worry about. You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: (+32 460 248 267) at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Mobile Phone: +32 460 248 267
Governor, National Bank of Belgium (NBB)
On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 5:37 AM Stu Pidasso wrote:
We replied back in the same fashion

Attention Pierre Wunsch,

Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand Vanished from my hand. Left me blindly here to stand, but still not sleeping. My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet. I have no one to meet And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming. Here's the information that you're looking for.


On 9/28/2022 11:16 AM, Pierre Wunsch wrote:
Boulevard De Berlaimont 14
1000 Brussels

From The Office of Mr. Pierre Wunsch,
The Governor, National Bank of Belgium.
Reference NO.: NBB/BEBB/2021
Payment Schedule Number file: NBB/FGB/22

Code: 015

Attention Dixie,

I received your e-mail with the payment receipt,However the $2850 you sent is not still available in the Bank account that was provided to you so i will advise you to either contact your Bank to make sure they allow the $2850 available in the Bank account you made the payment to for us to procure the highly needed court-injunction certificate that will backup the transfer of your funds to your Bank account immediately the $2850 has been confirmed.

You should treat this matter as fast as possible and either proceed to any Bank of America around you and make a cash deposit of $2850 to our correspondence Bank account as soon as possible for us to conclude this transaction with immediate effect.

Be informed that the FBI would be monitoring the whole process to ensure we release your funds to you, so you have nothing to worry about. You can reach me on my private phone number, Mobile: (+32 460 248 267) at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Pierre Wunsch
Mobile Phone: +32 460 248 267
Governor, National Bank of Belgium (NBB)
On 9/28/2022 11:40 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Holy enormous dick! There must be some kind of mistake. I went to my bank and had a chat with the president of the branch. I yelled at that son of a bitch and told him not to play with my money. I told him that the FBI is monitoring this transaction and that he better comply. I then went to the ATM machine and my money was all gone!

Will The Bank Restrain The Debtor's
        Account Once I Have A Judgment?

Can I give him your name and phone number so that he can call you? They will have the FBI on the other line too, so I am sure that we can sort this out. You would be able to get your $2850 and I will be able to get my 8 million. Either that or I will get my cousins involved. They are everywhere. You name it USA, Asia, Nigeria, etc..............  They don't play around!

'Making of the Mob' brings out the
        big guns

Please advise as to what the next step is.



On 9/28/2022 1:00 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

I guess by now, you probably figured out that I have wasted your complete time. If you didn't, then you have to be the dumbest scammer we have ever dealt with LOL! But don't worry, it took us a great deal of time and effort to add this material onto our blog at Thank you for your cooperation in helping us show the world how these scams work. Check it out, I will guarantee that you will laugh your ass off. Or not LOL!

Best Regards,

Scammers BeWare

We hope that you had a good laugh and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it's a scam. Please visit our sponsor 1 Month Vegan Challenge:


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