Sunday, August 14, 2022

Article 6 - Subject: FedEx Nigeria Head Office


From: FedEx courier Service Company <>

To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: FedEx Nigeria Head Office


Attention' Attention? Attention'''

The FedEx courier Service Company are hereby passing an essential
massage to all our valuable customers to be very careful while
presenting their receivers residential address to avoid wrong
delivery. This is the FedEx courier service company mailing you as per
your parcel that was brought to this company to be delivered to you by
one Mr Godwin Emefiele, along the delivery process there came a
misunderstanding between you and the Nico insurance company In regard
of their request as per their insurance certificate which happens to
be course of your parcel pending for the past One Year. Meanwhile we
are hereby happy to inform you that the FedEx Company has finalized
everything with the Nico insurance company of Nigeria as the company
organization has also listed 24 valuable parcels to be intact in their
office after the released of the parcels from the Nico insurance

We are Obliged to inform you once again that your parcel that contain
the sum of $20 million dollars is among the 24 parcels listed which is
now in our office and also with your name as the receiver despite that
.we lost your private residential address, which is an indication that
you can now re-send your residential address to back to the FedEx
company where your parcel can be delivered to you without hesitation
with this e-mail: ( ) Meanwhile
remember that the sender of this parcel Mr. Godwin Emefiele still owes
your parcel that contain the sum of $20 million dollars has been
Approve on your Name to be delivered to your hours address and
you have to send $120 only before you will receive parcel in
your home address once you send the $120 today

this company need the sum of $120 before incident occurs, know you that
this company has spend out of their incomes in the process by recovery
back your parcel so dear costumer we once again appreciate your
patronage in our favor. Without hesitations you are to pay for just
the balance left by your sender via World Remit or rial so that your
parcel can be delivered to your residential address before it
accumulate a demur rage after one week only,as you know your parcel is
not just an ordinary parcel but with a huge amount and I think you
understand what I meant by accumulating a demur rage? Which you will
not allow to happen to your recovery parcel that almost gone if not
for the love that the good God have for you by favoring you with his
favor because it was God who did it not by your power but by the
spirit says the lord.

Mr.Sam Brown
PHONE: +234-7019474148
FedEx Nigeria Head Office
70 International Airport Road Mameluke, Lagos Nigeria.

Our Reply:


Good Afternoon Mr. Sam Brown,

Hello'  Hello?  Hello'''

Hallelujah the Lord is good. I love the FedEx company. I've been doing business with them for years. I am a big fan of Japanese pornography and it's been so difficult to try to find a decent courier service to deliver on time and without a glitch. By the way, I met Mr Godwin Emefiele in my office and I must say what a very nice man he is. It was confusing at first because I tried to Google the Nico insurance company and couldn't find it anywhere. I have a cousin name Nico but he doesn't sell insurance. He's mostly in the debt collecting business. He's funny, I had lunch with him the other day and he showed me a picture of his new company logo. Isn't it the bomb? LOL!

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        "debt-collector"?( specially among gangsters &
        criminals!) - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

It was then when I realized that (NICO) is actually the National Indemnity Company. Well anyway, getting back to the subject here, what a nice man that Mr Godwin Emefiele is. He came into my office with a huge ass suitcase. I'm saying to myself, "what in the world is he carrying in that suitcase"? That's when I realized, holy shit, he's got my 20 million dollars in there.  Well with a polite shy smirk on my face, I say to him, "why don't you put that nice suitcase over here next to me"? He puts his finger out, waves it around and says, "no no no. Not until you give me the $120 fee". We shook hands, made the deal, and laughed about it. However, I still don't get it. I give him $120 dollars, and he gives me 20 million. He's a very nice man but not very smart. He came down all the way from Nigeria for $120 dollars? That air flight must have cost a fortune but what the heck, the Nico Insurance Company probably paid for all of it. Oh here's a picture that my secretary took of both of us shaking hands while making the deal.

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I asked him how in the world did he get that big suitcase full of money on the plane? He told me that Mr. Sam Brown and FedEx Nigeria took care of everything. They had the suitcase shipped to Mr. Emefiele's hotel room ahead of time. Wow FedEx is amazing! I have to agree with you Mr. Brown, "if not for the love that the good God has for me by favoring me with his favor because it was God who did it not by my power but by the spirit says the lord". I can't say it as good as you but Hallelujah LOL! I'm going to tell all my friends how great FedEx Nigeria is and I want to thank you Mr. Brown along with the staff at FedEx Nigeria, for making this happen. Oh by the way, please don't tell my cousin Nico that I have 20 million dollars. I already owe him 10 million.

FedEx Nigeria (Port Harcourt,
        Nigeria) - Contact Phone, Address - 5 Reviews


Phil MacCrackin

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