Monday, September 26, 2022

Article 49 - Subject: Good News To You


From: Barr Williams Aliwo Esq <>

To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Good News To You


Barrister Williams Aliwo
(Williams Aliwo Chambers)
53, Abbas street, Apapa-Lagos

Dear Friend, I humbly crave your indulgence in sending you this mail,
and if the content does not meet with your personal and business
ethics, I wish to apologize in advance. My name is Barrister Williams
Aliwo Esq. I am the personal attorney to a late national of your
country who was an oil merchant here in Nigeria (whom I don't want to
release the full names of in this first email for obvious reasons). On
the 27th of April 2010, my client was involved in a car accident here
in Lagos, Nigeria and unfortunately lost his life in the event of the
crash. Since then I have made several inquiries to locate any of his
direct relatives but all was to no avail.

Prior to the accident that claimed his life, my client was operating a
bank account here with a cash balance of US$7.5Million (Seven Million
Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) and which has remained
unclaimed till date. Basically, the reason I have contacted you is
because the bank where the decease had the account has now issued me a
notice to provide his next of kin within the next 21 working days or
they will have no option than to declare the account unserviceable and
confiscate the funds. Therefore, since I have not been successful with
locating or rather tracing any of his direct relative till date, I
wish to seek your consent to present your name as the next of kin of
the deceased since you answer same surname and from the same country
with him, so that the funds will be transferred to you as the
beneficiary and then you and I will share the funds than allowing the
bank to confiscate the huge amount. Fortunately, whether you are a
direct relative of him or not is never a barrier to the success of the
claim procedure.

Upon your acceptance and return mail, the process of claim is very
simple and not complicated nor risky to your involvement. We shall
acquire legal documents that will be used to backup this funds claim
in your name as the next of kin/beneficiary of the funds. Hence, it
will be necessary that you give me your honest co-operation and
assistance to enable us to see this transaction through. I guarantee
you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement in accordance with the inheritance claim act here, but
more importantly, be rest assured that you are not breaking any law or
under any risk whatsoever. Therefore, kindly get back to me and
NUMBER and should you need any further question, please feel free to
ask me. NOTE: After a successful claim and transfer of the funds to
the bank account which you will provide, you and I will share the
funds at the rate of 50% for me and 50% for you as settlement for your
assistance and cooperation.

I Awaiting your urgent response. Through this my private email.

Barr. Williams Aliwo (Esq
Get back to me Only on this my
Private Email:

Our Reply:

On 9/21/2022 2:05 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Here's the information that you requested:

Anita Dickenme

1473 Popham Ave, Bronx, NY 10453

(860) 469-2205‬



On 9/22/2022 2:10 AM, Private Email wrote:

Dear  Anita Dickenme,

I received your information. Thank you so much for your willingness to work with me on this transaction. Based on your information received, I will commence the process of the fund claim tomorrow Friday 23/09/2022, by submitting an application of claim with your information to the bank asking for release of the funds to you as the nominated next of kin to my late client and beneficiary of the funds. I will also use your information to apply for issuance of legal documents of claim in your name at the Federal High Court, Lagos. I will do all I can to ensure that the bank approves the funds in your name as planned.

Please Anita, we must keep this transaction very confidential until we finalize everything and get the funds transferred to you as planned. I am assuring you that we will succeed since this transaction will be done legally. All I need is your total co-operation and assurance that my own share of the funds will be safe with you until I come over to your country for the sharing accordingly. Bear in mind that with the funds in our possession, we will be in a good financial position and also have enough to help the less privileged around us. I want you to be highly committed to enable us to work together as a team in order to achieve our goal. You have to take this transaction as your own personal business for our mutual benefit.

Once again thank you so much for your cooperation. I will get back to you later tomorrow with an update.

Attached is a copy of my Passport, my Certificate as a lawyer, my photo and family photo for proper identification. I also want you to send me a copy of your photo. I can be reached at +2348162731392.


Barr. Williams Aliwo Esq.

Please note that the following pictures provided by this scammer are of Chief Stephen Oladipupo Ogedengbe and not Barr. Williams Aliwo Esq. You can find out more about him here -





 On 9/22/2022 8:21 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Sorry for the delay. Here's a copy of my picture ID:



On 9/22/2022 2:10 AM, Private Email wrote: 
Dear  Anita Dickenme,

I received your information. Thank you so much for your willingness to work with me on this transaction. Based on your information received, I will commence the process of the fund claim tomorrow Friday 23/09/2022, by submitting an application of claim with your information to the bank asking for release of the funds to you as the nominated next of kin to my late client and beneficiary of the funds. I will also use your information to apply for issuance of legal documents of claim in your name at the Federal High Court, Lagos. I will do all I can to ensure that the bank approves the funds in your name as planned.

Please Anita, we must keep this transaction very confidential until we finalize everything and get the funds transferred to you as planned. I am assuring you that we will succeed since this transaction will be done legally. All I need is your total co-operation and assurance that my own share of the funds will be safe with you until I come over to your country for the sharing accordingly. Bear in mind that with the funds in our possession, we will be in a good financial position and also have enough to help the less privileged around us. I want you to be highly committed to enable us to work together as a team in order to achieve our goal. You have to take this transaction as your own personal business for our mutual benefit.

Once again thank you so much for your cooperation. I will get back to you later tomorrow with an update.

Attached is a copy of my Passport, my Certificate as a lawyer, my photo and family photo for proper identification. I also want you to send me a copy of your photo. I can be reached at +2348162731392.

Barr. Williams Aliwo Esq.
On 9/22/2022 9:17 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

How long is this going to take? I am going out of town tomorrow and will not be back for 3 weeks. You will not be able to get a hold of me.



On 9/23/2022 1:20 PM, Private Email wrote:

Dear Anita Dickenme,

Sequel to my last email to you, I email to inform you that I have submitted an application of claim with your information to the bank today, asking for release of the funds to you as the nominated next of kin/beneficiary of the funds. I have also used your information to apply for documents of claim at the Federal High Court, Lagos for the legal approval of the funds in your name.

The Court confirmed to me that the documents will be issued and ready for submission to the paying bank tomorrow on Monday 26/09/2022.So, I will get back to you on Monday once the required documents have been submitted to the bank on your behalf as planned.

But since you are traveling I am holding on for submitting the documents to the paying bank till you come back.

Confirm receipt of this update message from me.

Best Regards,
Barr. Williams Aliwo Esq.

On 9/23/2022 1:32 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

My trip was canceled.



On 9/23/2022 1:35 PM, Private Email wrote:

Dear Anita Dickenme,

I received your email, thank you so much for your update. I will keep you posted on Monday once the required documents are submitted to the paying bank on Your behalf.

Best Regards
Barr Williams Aliwo Esq.

On 9/26/2022 3:35 AM, Private Email wrote:

Dear Anita Dickenme,

Sequel to my last email to you about the process of the fund claim, it is my great pleasure to email you this hour. I am writing to inform you that the Federal High Court, Lagos has issued all the legal documents required in your name as the beneficiary of the fund.

The documents have been submitted to the management of Fidelity Bank Plc today Monday 26/09/2022, currently the money is in their custody and it marks the official commencement of this transaction/claim.

The documents cost me a lot more money than I expected but I am happy that we are making progress towards the success of this transaction.

The Bank stated that they will contact you tomorrow Tuesday 27/09/2022 through e-mail once they are through with the verification of the documents submitted to them on your behalf for the legal approval of the funds in your name. Keep me posted once the bank emails you. Once again, the name of the Bank that will contact you is (Fidelity Bank Plc) for you to know immediately you receive their message.

Attached are copies of some of the documents submitted to the bank today on your behalf, Affidavit of claim in your name as the Next of Kin to my late client, Letter of Administration, and the Deposit Certificate with me as proof of funds issued to my late client Mr. David  Dickenme, when he deposited the funds with Fidelity Bank Plc and also his death certificate.

Confirm receipt of this update email. and remember to keep me posted as soon as the paying bank contacts you tomorrow.
Barr. Williams Aliwo Esq.




On 9/26/2022 12:19 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

That sounds wonderful. Tomorrow will be a good day because today it will be really busy for me. First, I have to take my cat to give him a bath. Cat's don't really like when you give them a bath at home so I have to take him to a special place. He loves it!

Cat Survives Wash, Rinse, and Spin in
        Family Washing Machine

Then I have to compete in a hotdog eating contest. Last year I came close to winning but this year I am going to nail it. I am the best hotdog eater in my town. Once I get all those millions, I am going to buy a year supply of hotdogs so that I can practice for next year.

2022 Hot Dog Eating contest start
        time: What time does women's event start on July 4? - DraftKings

Then tonight I am celebrating my boyfriends birthday, so he's coming to the club where I work at. I love him so much because he's very supportive of my dancing at the club. Once I get the millions of dollars, I am going to quit my job at the club, move to Europe, and taking my boyfriend with me.

When You Fall in Love with a Stripper

I do have a question for you. Does the family of the highly respected Chief Stephen Oladipupo Ogedengbe know that you are using his pictures to conduct your scams? Unless you happen to be a long lost twin brother from another mother, who happens to have the same pose, and wear the same clothes. I give you credit for all the hard work that you put in to produce this bullshit. But I do have some good news. A copy of this transcript will be posted on our blog Thank you for your cooperation and assistance with showing the world how these types of scams work.


Scammers BeWare


As hilarious as this may seem, we received a follow up letter from the phony bank. You got to love these Abbott and Costello who's on first, what's on second routines. Without further due:

On 9/27/2022 2:39 AM, Fidelity Bankplc wrote:

From the desk of:  Mr. Nnamdi J. Okonkwo
Managing Director, Fidelity Bank Plc
No 2, Kofo Abayomi Street,
Victoria Island, Lagos-Nigeria.
Date: Tuesday 27th of Sept 2022. 

Subject: Re- Inheritance Fund Claim Notification.

         Attention: Mr. Anita Dickenme.

This is to inform you that we the Management of Fidelity Bank Plc officially received an application of claim together with your full information submitted to us on your behalf by your legal representative Barrister Williams Aliwo. We also received legal documents of claim Yesterday Monday 26th of September  2022, from Federal High Court  Lagos, declaring you the beneficiary of the funds deposited in our Bank by our late depositor Mr. David Dickenme.

We have carried out verification of the documents submitted to us on your behalf  and they are proved authentic. Firstly we need to confirm that truly your names are:  Anita Dickenme. Therefore  you are required to send to us a copy of your international passport or driver license, which will prove your name. You should scan, attach and send it to us, via email attachment for a clear view.

  We wish to inform you that we are deeply sorry for the terrible loss of your relative and we are highly obliged to offer you the best of our services as long as we are satisfied with your claims.

We look forward to hearing from you as requested, once more accept our sympathy.

Yours in service,

Mr. Nnamdi J. Okonkwo
Managing Director, Fidelity Bank Plc
My Direct Tel: +234-8021-404-432
Other Tel. +234 1-448-525, +234 7-0674-350-72,
+234 1-270534, +234 1-270053, Fax No: +234 01 2610414
                                                                         Copyright © Fidelity Bank Plc 2022. All rights reserved.

This electronic mail transmission and its content if any are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential, privileged and/or exempt from disclosure information belonging to the sender which is protected under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error and that any review, dissemination, disclosure, copying, or distribution of this transmittal is strictly prohibited. Further, the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited
On 9/27/2022 9:20 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Good Morning,

Thank you for your message. I must say, what a professional looking letter you have put together. The only thing that I'd like to tell you about is that, you need to fix your website. I went to but the website is completely broken. I happen to know this because I work in IT also. 

You must have changed your website and forgot to update your letter because I went to and it took me right to the site. Also I called 0700 343 35489 and asked for you. I was transferred to a girl that wanted to know what the call was about. I told her that it was about a re- Inheritance Fund Claim Notification. She didn't know what I was talking about. She told me that as of 2020, you were no longer the managing director at Fidelity Bank. I told her that she must be mistaken because you sent me an email today from the bank's Gmail account. She didn't know what I was talking about. She was a really nice girl. She told me that she is still a friend of yours and gave you my phone number and that you will be calling me today at 2:00PM. I think she said her name was MOROHUNKE BAMMEKE. I can't wait to speak with you over the phone so that you can clarify the discrepancy. Maybe you work in a different department at the bank now? I will let Chief Stephen Oladipupo Ogedengbe know that you contacted me.



We hope that you had a good laugh and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it's a scam. Please visit our sponsor 1 Month Vegan Challenge:


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