Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Article 74 - Subject: Dearest Friend,



To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Dearest Friend,

Greetings, to you. I have come across your name and contact as search
the mail for a very good partner.

Briefly I will explain a business to you and if it would be to your
interest, then we can move ahead to effectively build this business

I have inherited the sum of 5 million dollars from my late father. The
funds had been with a bank here in my country.

As a result of some agreement clause, they could not release the funds
to me here locally.

In one occasion I went to the bank, a director of the bank called me
and explained to me that even if I want to transfer the funds out to
the account of a foreign partner, that it would take much time,lawyers
and many expenses. He explained to me that the rigors are so much and
most foreign partners might not be interested to involve in such
expenditure because of the fear of scam.

He advised me that, I can get a foreign partner but instead of
transferring the funds to the account of the foreign partner, the bank
will offer an ATM card to my partner.

The ATM card is a PREMIUM PLATINUM CARD and this would allow us to
make withdrawals of the fund in your country to the tune of
25,000-500,000 dollars per day.

He explained to me that the card is good and would be sent to the
contact of my foreign partner by DHL or FEDEX.

If you are interested to partner with me, please reach back to me for
details and we can also discuss my investment plans.

Kind Regards,
Frank Peters.

Our Reply:

On 11/7/2022 1:39 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Good Afternoon,

Frank Peters has directed me to contact you for the ATM card on my name at the amount of 5 million dollars. Please let me know when it will be ready, so that I can tell Mr. Peters to go to Walmart to by gift cards, so that he can pay you for the courier service. Thank you and may God bless you as i awaits your reply.


Stu Pidasso

On 11/8/2022 2:40 AM, BANQUE ATLANTIQUE ABIDJAN-CI wrote:

From The Desk Of

Mr.joseph Keshi
Director of International
Fund Remmittance Department
Banque Atlantique Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire
Tel :+ 225 0759927954
Fax :+2252022525550
Attn; Mr.Stu Pidasso,
Dear Customer,
Sequel to the receipt of your mail, In line with the information given to us by your local partner Frank Peters, who has identified you as the only beneficiary of the fund deposited in our bank.
By our ethics of banking in line with the constitution amendment of section 3B of 1999 allied matters and financial matters, we do hereby notify you that we have such deposit in our bank which the fund has be programmed into a special premium ATM card and will be courier to your address.
We have a confirmation approval for your ATM Card this morning at 9:45 AM our local time to load the total fund value -Five Million United States of American Dollars Only (US$ into Visa 'ATM' in your favor which the process has started and the card will be ready on Thursday and will be courier to your address first thing Friday as soon as we receive the courier cost of $325.00USD as we have inform your partner Frank Peters.
Beneficiary is mandated to handle the shipping and Courier cost as stated above:
Sir, considering the limited time frame and the position at hand, I professionally advise you to send the cost of courier before on Thursday so that the card will be sent out to you this Friday as it will be ready.
You can send the cost of courier to your Frank Peters to bring to us for quick action.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours in Service,
Mr.joseph Keshi
Immeuble Atlantique, Avenue Noguès Plateau
TEL:+ 225 0759927954 / Fax:2252022525550
On 11/8/2022 9:20 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

This sounds very reasonable. What form of payment do you accept for the courier cost? Please note that I don't use whatsapp or bitcoin.


On 11/8/2022 7:54 PM, BANQUE ATLANTIQUE ABIDJAN-CI wrote:
From The Desk Of
Mr.joseph Keshi
Director of International
Fund Remmittance Department
Banque Atlantique Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire
Tel :+ 225 0759927954
Fax :+2252022525550
Attn; Mr.Stu Pidasso,
Dear Customer,
We are in receipt of your message and the content is well noted.

You can send the courier cost via money gram or western union to us or your partner Frank Peters hence is faster so that we can finish the process immediately to sent out your ATM card to you on Friday.
Here below is the details to send the courier cost to us;
Country; Ivory Coast
City; Abidjan Code D'Ivoire
Address : Rue Lecoeur - Immeuble Postel 2001 16 Ème Étage - Plateau.
postale : 17 Bp 105 Abidjan 17. Ville : Abidjan.
Once you send the courier cost do let us to know by sending us the payment receipt for confirmation and claims.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours in Service,
Mr.joseph Keshi
Immeuble Atlantique, Avenue Noguès Plateau
TEL:+ 225 0759927954 / Fax:2252022525550
On 11/9/2022 3:42 AM, Frank Peters wrote:
Dear Stu Padasso,

Good day,
Hope you aez doing geart. Please i will like to know the position of
things as the card will be ready to be send to you tomorrow as the
bank said, so help me to send the $325 as requested for the courier so
that i can pay to the bank tomorrow for the delivery to take place
this Friday as said. You can send the money with my details here.

Receiver’s name; FRANK PETERS
Country; Ivory Coast
City; Abidjan Code D'Ivoire
Address : Immeuble abobo 10 BP Ème 2301 abobo

Waiting to hear from you.

Yours Truly,
Frank Peters.
On 11/9/2022 9:09 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:
Boy, this couldn't have come at a better time. Yesterday, I lost my job. My boss asked me to do something that I didn't want to do, so I told him to sit on a rusty pipe. Next thing you know, I was fired. As I was walking to my car, some guy yelled out to me "Yo, catch"! Then he threw a box at me and ran off.

I was completely dumbfounded. First I lose my job, and then this guy throws a box at me. I couldn't understand why. I put the box in my car and drove home. The suspense was driving me crazy so very carefully, I started to open the box one flap at a time. 

All flaps open and holy shit! What do you think I find inside? A box full of money. Not exactly millions but enough to get me by for a couple of years. This is good news because now I can pay you the $325 dollar fee and then you can release my funds. I would be well off for the rest of my life.

So off I went to Western Union. I stopped off to Starbucks first to have my favorite coffee scammerchino. I don't know where it got it's name from but I heard it was popular in New Benin and Nigeria. Well, I know that your time is valuable so here's your Western Union.


Hey Mr. Peters, wasn't that hilarious? If you enjoyed this funny scammer exposure story, please visit our blog at to view more. We add new ones like this everyday. We guarantee that you will laugh your ass off!


Scammers BeWare 

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