Thursday, September 15, 2022

Article 41 - Abandoned Package.



To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Abandoned Package.


I am Mr. David Perry Moyes, Head of Inspection Unit United Nations office. inspection Agency in Harts field Jackson International Airport Atlanta, GA. During our investigation, we discovered an abandoned shipment through a Diplomat from the United Kingdom which was transferred from JF Kennedy Airport. To our facility here in Atlanta, and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in 2 Metal Consignment Packages weighing approximately 110kg each. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee

Right now, you need the consignment clearance permit or allow us to repatriate it back to the UK (place of origin) as we were instructed. Like I did say again, the shipper abandoned it and ran away most importantly because he gave a false declaration, you have to get back these packages provided you will also give me something out of it (financial gratification). I hereby ask you to forward your full name, full address and your mobile phone number where the Eight million dollars ($8,000,000.00) will be delivered.

So, I urge you to take this email serious and reply so that we can proceed further. Please kindly contact me for more enquiry with this line +1 (470) 288 4778.

I want you to know, this transaction is 100% legal and safe and please keep this conversation safe to yourself.

I await your reply.

Best Regards,
Mr. David Perry Moyes

Our Reply:

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 3:02 PM Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

My name is Jacob Fakrooni, my address is 1473 Popham Ave, Bronx, NY 10453. My iPhone is defective at the current time so I can't call you. I'm waiting for a replacement phone to be shipped to me, but it wont be for a while. Can we proceed by email? What is my next step to receive my $8,000,000.00?




We did receive a reply that was twice as long as the original pitch email. Bottom line, these very nice people want to give us 8 millions dollars in exchange for a processing fee of $525. Since our goal is to keep readers on oppose to boring them, we shortened the scammer's reply.

On 9/13/2022 8:49 PM, MR. DAVID MOYES PERRY wrote:

Important Info Regarding The Release Of Your Consignment Boxes Funds Worth Eight Million United Dollars.

Attn: Jacob Fakrooni

I want you to understand everything concerning your transaction here.
Now that your consignment box has been approved for delivery to you, I have received the Legality clearance certificate required for a release order from the Supreme High Court.

Actually, you don't need to pay a fee for any reason to receive your belongings but due to the delay the consignment box has been under the security guard. You are required to pay only for Affidavit clearance certificate, storage keeping which is $525.00 including the delivery charges. I want you to know that the package has been authorized for delivery by the U.S Treasury Department and airport authorities have approved the delivery of your consignment box to be shipped to your home as much as you can remit the $525 fee which covers the storage keeping and delivery fee.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 9:17 AM Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

This sounds very reasonable. How do I get the $525 fee over to you?



On 9/14/2022 10:09 AM, MR. DAVID MOYES PERRY wrote:

Ok. I acknowledge your email, as you indicated to make the payment and receive your rightful belongings. I assure you the best of our services.

Here's the payment information you need to send the $525 fee, You are instructed to use the bank account information. 

Bank name: HSBC Bank
Bank address: 601 Montgomery st, San Francisco, CA 94111
Account number: 025324675
Swift Code: MRMDUS33
HSBC Routing ; 021001088
Account holder name: Tekle M Bahta
Beneficiary Home address: 2139 13th Ave Oakland, CA 94606
California, USA

Please as soon as you transfer the fee kindly forward your payment slip. Is very relevant.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Mr. David Moyes

On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 11:29 AM Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

Here you go:



On 9/14/2022 11:54 AM, MR. DAVID MOYES PERRY wrote:

Hello Jacob Fakrooni

This officially inform you that your payment receipt is well received,
Like I said earlier, as soon as your payment has been confirmed. The required certificate would be secure also I will personally update you for your delivery schedule immediately.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Mr. David Moyes
Tel: +1 (470) 288 4778
Head Officer-in-Charge
Administrative Service Inspection Unite.

On 9/14/2022 12:04 PM, Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

Well don't go through all the trouble because the payment receipt is as real as this scam LOL! I can sense the way that you're feeling right now.

Donkey for

Don't worry, there's good news. This whole transcript will be featured on our blog "Scammers BeWare". Enjoy

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Scammers BeWare

We hope that you had a good laugh and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it's a scam. Please visit our sponsor Exipure:



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