Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Article 40 - Subject: Hi


This email scam is known as spoofing. The goal of email spoofing is to trick users into believing the email is from someone they know or can trust—in most cases, a colleague, vendor or brand. This email came as if it was from a friend of ours. To protect her identity, we're just going to call her Jane Doe. If you get these types of emails, and you happen to know the person in which the sender's name is being used, always reach out to the person you know and ask if they sent such an email. If you're like us and in a mood for a little fun, challenge the sender just like we did here. 

From: Jane Doe <>

Subject: Hi

Hope you are doing good. i need your little assistance 

Jane, Thanks

Our Reply:


On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 6:44 PM Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

What do you need my help with? It must be important because you sent me this message consecutively 3 times in a row.
On 9/13/2022 2:19 PM, Jane wrote:

I just fixed my damaged roof not quite long and I was supposed to pay the repairer his money for his work but unfortunately I haven't. I tried to transfer his money through his bank but it stated that my bank account needs to be upgraded and it will take a few days for them to upgrade my bank account.
Jane, Thanks
On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 7:21 PM Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

Ok, wonderful. Now let's get to the part of what you need my assistance with?? You haven't made that clear yet.
On 9/13/2022 2:28 PM, Jane wrote:

Can you help me out with the repairer payment.  i will refund it back once my account is upgraded. He receives payment through Gift card.  Steam gift card 200 $ (100   $  denomination) Gift cards are sold at almost every grocery or drug store.  Let me know if you can do this for me

Thanks, Jane
On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 8:09 PM Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

I have no problem doing that. However, I need to see some kind of ID like a driver's license that shows me that you are Jane Doe.


Here's what happened:

On oppose to providing a form of ID as requested, instead the scammer provided us with 3 random pictures of couples. We have no clue who two of those couples are but shocking enough, we recognized our friend from one the other pictures provided. What makes this hilarious is that the 3 pictures of the couples, were totally different people.

On 9/13/2022 5:37 PM, Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

Nice pictures but I was referring to an official ID like a driver's license. Pictures don't prove who you are. Anyone can take pictures from the internet and say that it's them. For example, is this me? No, it's Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp Hopes For “A Better Time
        Ahead” After “Hard” Year | Vanity Fair

On 9/14/2022 10:47 AM, Jacob Fakrooni wrote:

You should be better prepared when running these types of scams. Maybe you should try opening a lemonade stand because you really suck at this. Juan failed at scamming too and took my advice.

Juan's Lemonade Stand | David Lopez -


We hope that you had a good laugh and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it's a scam. Please visit our sponsor Exipure:



Exipure is a natural weight loss supplement in the form of easy-to-swallow capsules that are made from a blend of herb extracts and nutrients. The dietary supplement was developed based on a recent discovery relating to weight loss which was published in the reputed scientific journal Nature Medicine in early 2021.

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