Friday, August 19, 2022

Article 13 - Subject: Very Urgent Dear Beneficiary



To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Subject: Very Urgent Dear Beneficiary

Hello Dear Beneficiary,
This is to inform you that diplomat Mike Kelvin is on his way to your country
now and he need your Home address, your Phone Number and your nearest
airport to deliver
your compensation luggage prize from ECOWAS BOARD which worth value of
$3.7 Million USD.
so,Email Him your home address city,phone number,and nearest airport to land,
NB,that the young man did not know the content of the consignment box.
Please Full Name..............
your delivery home Address...............
Phone number..............
Nearest Airport.............
Charles James

Our Reply:

Good Morning Mr. James,

Yes, I am willing to give this another try. Please send Mike Kelvin to my home with the 3.5 million as soon as possible. Hopefully he's not afraid of ghosts like the previous guy you sent. I tried to warn you the last time. I live in a haunted house and some of the ghosts that live here are nice, but some are not. Poor guy lol. He came in, I offered him coffee, he took 2 sips and ran out of here like a bat out of hell. The only problem is that he ran off with the bag full of money, so I never got the 3.5 million. I'm sure that's why you're contacting me again. Please make sure that Mike is ok with this. Here's a picture of my house so that he can see it ahead of time.

Creepy looking, isn't it? I can't complain. I inherited the house and the whole property around it. I pay no mortgage or rent, but the place looks like hell, so I need that money to fix it up. Also, the last guy that you sent to my house shit in his pants so bad that now he needs a life supply of depends (adult diapers). He took me to court and I lost. So now, I have to buy him depends for the rest of his life, and that shit is expensive (no pun intended). He had the nerve to send me this picture as a reminder.

I'm 35 and I wear nappies - it makes
        dating difficult but I'm not ashamed' - Mirror Online

Leo the friendly ghost felt so bad because all he wanted to do was say hello to our visitor with 3.5 million dollars. I told Leo not to worry about it because I am sure that Mr. James will simply send someone else with some bigger balls. Hopefully that would be Mike Kelvin. Then, I got your email. Please let Mike know that Leo is cool and very friendly. As for the not so friendly ghosts, tell Mike that instead of wearing after shave or cologne, he needs to splash on cat's urine. They hate that shit and will not come out. Cat urine doesn't bother Leo. So that Mike knows ahead of time, here's a picture of Leo.

A Walk in the DARK

By the way, you mentioned something in your email that I couldn't quite understand. "that the young man did not know the content of the consignment box." Is that some kind of code for "Just put the bag in the mailbox and get your ass out of there?" If so, that's brilliant! I see what you did there. That will work too. If he doesn't want to come into my house, then yes, just leave the bag with the 3.5 million in my mailbox. Well that's it for me. Let me provide you with the requested information again, and I look forward to hearing from you and meeting Mike.

Full Name: John Baptist
Occupation: Out of work musician
your delivery home Address: 1313 Mocking Bird lane, Bronx NY, 10456
Age: 35
Phone number: (718) 367-4500
Nearest Airport: JFK International Airport

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