Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Article 69 - Subject: ATTENTION


From: Emeka Damian <>

To: Undisclosed recipients;

Reply to:





It is my pleasure to inform you that your funds is deposited in Money Gram
remitting office here and we hereby write to inform you that we have sent
your full compensation payment of $1.5 million USD through money gram and
you will be receiving $4,500 usd Per day and we have send you the first
So contact our director EMEKA DAMIAN and ask him to give you the money
gram payment information so that you can be able to pick up your First
payment of your funds through money gram without any problem.

Contact him with the bellow information.
Call or text him +1(847)7015504
1. Full name .............
2. Country...............
3. Contact Address..........
4. Telephone Number ......
5. Marital Status .........
6. Occupation .............
7. Company ..............
8. age and sex.........
 email him now so that He can provide the money gram information to
 director :EMEKA DAMIAN
Thanks and Remain Blessed

Our Reply:

On 10/25/2022 6:00 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:


I was asked to email you, provide my information so that you can provide me with the money gram information. I'm really exited about this!

1. Full name: John Kimble
2. Country: USA
3. Contact Address: 1473 Popham Ave, Bronx, NY 1045
4. Telephone Number: 
5. Marital Status: Single
6. Occupation: Kindergarten teacher 
7. Company: Universal
8. age and sex: 42 / Male



On 10/25/2022 7:04 PM, Jerry c Pratt wrote: 

How are you doing?
 I am responding back to your email regarding the
transfer of your compensation funds worth $2.8million USD through
I want you to know that your funds is ready and you will be receiving
$4500 per day until your total funds worth $2.8million USD is
transferred to you,
As the beneficiary you are expected to obtain a clearance certificate
with the sum of $250 before your first payment will be released to
you, a clearance certificate is a certificate that proves that you
have started receiving your funds
Once the certificate is obtained, the MoneyGram information for your
first payment of $4500 will be released to you immediately without any
further delay or cost.
On 10/25/2022 7:11 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

Ok, what are we waiting for? Let's do it.


On 10/25/2022 7:16 PM, Jerry c Pratt wrote:
How are you going to make the payment?

On 10/25/2022 7:48 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

You're supposed to send me the money gram information. At least that's what it says in the email that was sent to me.

On 10/25/2022 7:49 PM, Jerry c Pratt wrote:

Yes but you have to obtain the clearance certificate before the release of your funds will commence

On 10/26/2022 9:40 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

This is too much work. Yesterday another nice gentlemen sent me a similar email, letting me know about the same 2.8 million. All he wants in return is an Apple gift card. I think that I am going to go with him. Thanks anyway.



On 10/27/2022 4:53 AM, Jerry c Pratt wrote:

How are you going to send the $250?

Bitcoin or apple gift card?
On 10/27/2022 9:26 AM, Stu Pidasso wrote:

I will get you the apple gift card.


On 11/2/2022 11:01 AM, Jerry c Pratt wrote:
Okay so when are you going to send it 
On 11/2/2022 12:13 PM, Stu Pidasso wrote: 
You're not going to believe this. There's a shortage of Apple Gift Cards. There was only 1 left and I had to fight my way to get it. This lady even bit my hand while some other asshole was trying to break my other arm.

Then when I went out to my car, I was blocked in by many other cars. I wanted to drive to one other store that sold Apple Gift cards. In order for me to get there, I had to steal a horse from the police.

Then when I get to the other place, some guy was standing in front of the door of the store, blocking me from getting in. He asked me what I wanted. I told him that I need an Apple gift card and that he needed to get out of my way. Don't worry, I kicked his ass.

But here's the good news. I was able to get you the apple gift card after all. Now please release my funds immediately!

Wasn't that hilarious? If you enjoyed this funny scammer exposure story, please visit our blog at to view more. We add new ones like this everyday. We guarantee that you will laugh your ass off!


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Cashout Your Rewards with PayPal or get Gift Cards from*, Starbucks, Target etc.

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