Saturday, August 13, 2022

Article 3 - Subject: Attention Please!


From: Mrs. Nancy Parker <>

To: Undisclosed - recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Attention Please!

Attention: Please,

A power of attorney was forwarded to our office this morning by one
Miss Lisa Wright and one Mr. James Green Robert both were citizens
from the united state of America.

This young lady who  claimed to be your only surviving relatives and
Mr. James Green Robert also claim to be your representative and this
power of attorney stated that you are dead after suffering from this
deadly CoronaVirus and they also gave us a new bank account to replace
your information in other to claim your fund of $12.5 Million Us
Dollars which is now laying dormant and unclaimed, below is the new
account They submitted to claim your funds:

Us National Bank
Account# / 6503809428.
Account Name/ Lisa Wright
Address 1076 Peter Johnson Road
New York, USA,

Be further informed that this power of attorney also stated that you
contacted the virus at the hospital where you're battling and
suffering with a throat cancer. You are therefore given 24 hrs to
confirm the truth in this information, if you are still alive, you are
to contact us back immediately, because we work 24 hrs just to ensure
that we monitor all the activities going on in regards to the transfer
of beneficiary’s inheritance and contract payment.

You are to call this office immediately for clarifications on this
matter as we shall be available 24 hrs to speak with you and give you
the necessary guidelines on how to ensure that your payment is wired
to you immediately and also be informed that any further delay from
your side could be dangerous, as we would not be held responsible for
any wrong payment. Contact us as soon as possible if you are truly
alive as we have his identification and residence he provides for us
to wire the payment to him.

Note: we want you to re-confirm your personal information below with
the fee of $50 dollars via itunes card to enable us to renew and
update your file before we will take the next step and make sure that
you receive your funds this week without any problem.

(1) Full Name:...............
(2) Country/State:...........
(3) Delivery Address:.....
(4) Occupation;......
(5) Sex:..............
(6) Age:...........
(7) Telephone Number:....
(8) A Cope of Your Passport:...

We are waiting for your anticipated cooperation as soon as you receive
this message.

Best Regards.
Mrs. Nancy Parker (Director General)
International Monetary Funds Unit.

Email Address: (
Email Address: (

Our reply:

Good Morning,

Jack Meoff here. What a blessing to receive this email. Yes, yes, it's true. I died but came back as a super hero. I fight crime with my super powers but fighting crime can be expensive so I can use the inheritance money to buy items from this list:

1. A new costume. I made the one I have now out of compression fabric but every time I get into a brawl with a bad guy, the fabric rips so I have to keep buying compression suits. I want to design a costume that's indestructible so that I don't have to keep buying the expensive compression suits again and again. The inheritance money would help. This is the one I want:

Free Shipping Dhl Wholesale Cool Full
        Body Shiny Metallic Black Blue Zentai Super Hero Suits Open Eyes
        Mouth Halloween Costume - Cosplay Costumes - AliExpress

2.  I want to buy a bad ass car that's better than Batman's car. I think I want a Delorian like the one in Back To The Future, except a newer one.  The inheritance money would help. This is the car I want:

2021 DeLorean Concept | Uncrate

3. Of course, I need a new headquarters like a mansion on a top of a hill and build an underground command center better than the one that Batman has. I already spoke to the real estate agent but we have to wait for the inheritance to go through. So please get off your ass and get this money to me ASAP!

Mansion Monday: Luxurious Johnston
        home selling for $2.8 million

Here's the information that you requested:

(1) Full Name: Night Owl - real name Jack Meoff
(2) Country/State:USA, New York
(3) Delivery Address:25 Ross Street, Cobden, NY
(4) Occupation; Super Hero
(5) Sex: M
(6) Age: 35
(7) Telephone Number: 718-457-2345
(8) A Cope of Your Passport: What's a cope? If you mean my ID, here it is

Superhero Emblem - INNOVATE COMM TECH

I share my information with you above because I trust you as my power of attorney. Please don't share my identity with anyone because if someone finds out, I will have to change my superhero name and start over with new items. 

OOps, almost forgot, you need the $50 dollar fee. No problem just use the credit card below. I took it from this thug who stole it from someone. I beat the living shit out of him and took it. There's a couple of hundred on it so by all means, just take what you want. Buy some malt liqueur and throw a big party. I don't care. I am so excited to wait for you to get back to me!

November 2020 List - Free Credit Card Numbers with Valid CVV [100% Working]  - Widget Box


Jack Meoff - Night Owl 

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