Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Article 19 - Subject: Attention dear $4.8Million USD


From: Mr.Frank Wilson Sr <>

To: recipients;

Reply to:

Subject: Subject: Attention dear $4.8Million USD

ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails.

Attention dear customer

This is to officially informed you that we have concluded arrangements
to effect your payment of $4.8Million USD through Money Gram Swift Money
transfer services today, but the maximum amount you will be receiving
every day starting from tomorrow is $5,000.00 as reflected in our
transfer system daily until the funds is completely transferred to
you. You are now charged to reconfirm your drawer details to Money
Gram for avoid of wrong transfer such as.

Your Receiver Name--------------
Your Country--------------------
Your City-----------------------
Your Phone No-------------------
Your Whatssap Number -----------
Your Occupation----------------
Your Test Question--------------
Your Test Answer----------------
Your Address--------------------

Send the required details to the director in charge of your fund.
His Name: Dominic Alonso  Whatssapp Tel: +2349029667731.

Best of Regard
Mr. Frank Wilson

Our Reply:

Good Morning Mr. Alonso,

Thank you for the notification. I had no clue that I was a customer. I don't recall buying anything recently and in fact, I don't even know what company this is. I must have purchased something special in order to receive such a wonderful message. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I think I know what it was, that I bought. It was the hide the booze in your necktie bottle. This is a great product because I can take my booze to work, and nobody would even know. Well, not until I finish drinking it all LOL. I love it! My buddy Ron took these pictures.

If it wasn't the hide your booze in the necktie bottle, then perhaps it was the roller buggy baby stroller. I bought it because I wanted to have fun while taking our baby out for a stroll. Too bad you guys don't have one with a motor yet. That would really be the bomb. But don't worry, I'm having a blast with this one. My wife took a picture of me strolling down the street with our baby. We had a blast!

25 Weird And Amazing Inventions That
        Solve Annoying Everyday Problems | DoYouRemember?

If it wasn't the roller buggy baby stroller, then it must have been the umbrella shoes. I bought these for my wife Debbie, from your company, and boy she really loves them. She's always complaining about how her feet gets wet whenever it rains. Right now she only has a pair of white ones, but she told me that she wants me to buy her a black pair because although white is nice, black goes with everything. I heard that the black ones were selling out like crazy so I hope you guys have a lot in stock. My wife is so cute and she just loves showing the shoes off. She's got some nice legs, don't you think?

10 Useless Inventions That Make No
        Sense But You Can Still Buy Coz Apki Mrzi - Viral Bake

Whichever product it was that I bought from you, it doesn't matter because it seems like you guys are so happy with having me as a customer, that you're rewarding me with $4.8 Million. $5,000 a day works for me. Shit I will quit my job tomorrow! Debbie can quit her job too! So without further due, below is the information that you requested. I look forward to receiving my first $5,000.

Your Receiver Name: George Burns
Your Country: USA
Your City: New York City
Your Phone No: (718) 367-4500
Your Whatssap Number:(718) 367-4500
Your Occupation: Sports Bookie
Your Test Question: What is a chimpanzee
Your Test Answer: It is a species of ape
Your Address: 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Bronx NY, 10456


George Burns 

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