Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Article 10 - Subject: PAYMENT NOTICE


From: Mr. Philip Mangena <>

To: Recipients <>

Reply to:


82 Adderley Street, Cape Town, South Africa
PHONE: +27 61 191 4451
FAX: +27 21 447 4345
I am Mr.Philip Mangena, the director of the cash processing unit for First National Bank. (FNB) the international monetary fund (I.M.F.) in conjunction with Organization of African Unity (A.U) is compensating all the scam victims with $1.500.000.00USD and your email address was found in the scam victim's, the First National Bank (FNB) and South African Reserve Bank has been mandated by the (I.M.F) to pay your compensation ($1.500, 000.00USD) in cash through means of diplomatic courier service hand delivery.
Take note that Three thousand united states dollars (Usd$3,000) have been mapped out for all expenses in taxes and other documents that matter. Therefore, kindly forward your full name, home address and direct phone number to the below email address
Mr. Philip Mangena
Director cash processing unit
First National Bank. (FNB).
Phone no: +27 61 191 4451

Our Reply:

Good Afternoon Mr. Mangena,

Thank you so much for acknowledging me as a victim of this terrible scam that's going around. We have to teach those (SOBs) sons of bitches a lesson. Wow ($1.500, 000.00USD) $1.500.000.00USD is a lot of (MD) mucho dinero! That's Spanish for lots of money. Speaking of which, when I get this money, I think I am going to move to Spain and buy a mansion. This is the one that I want to buy.

I can't believe that three thousand united states dollars (Usd$3,000) have been mapped out for all expenses in taxes and other documents that matter. I don't even know what the hell that means but I'll take it! (LOL) laughing out loud. Hey, you did such a great job putting this deal together, that I think that I want to hire you as my (CPA) certified public accountant. Now you're probably saying to yourself, how in the world I'm I going to continue to pay you? After all, now a days ($1.500, 000.00USD) $1.500.000.00USD doesn't go too far. Well no worries. I've got it all figured out. I'm going to run a scam. I'm going to send out a bunch of email blasts to people by letting them know that they have inherited millions of dollars. All they have to do, in order to receive these millions, is pay us a processing fee of $500. They don't even have to use cash, they can get a (GPC) google play card, scratch off the number in the back, and ching ching, we've got $500 dollars. Google play cards work the best because they are untraceable. It's called the Google redeem trick.


How to recharge Google play balance
        using paytm | Google play gift card recharge - YouTube


I'm also a humanitarian so the next thing that I want to do is buy Mrs. Shumacher a new coat. She's this homeless lady that says hello to me every morning. Sometimes I give her (SC) spare change so that she can buy herself something to eat or drink. I want to buy her a new thermos too because the one that she drinks out of now, is dingy looking and disgusting. I don't even know what she drinks out of it but I don't care. She always seems so happy. She even let me take her picture.

On the bus this morning a drunk homeless
        woman punched me. | IGN Boards 

Well my friend. Hopefully you will consider my offer. Think about it. It comes with free room and board, in my mansion, in Spain. Here's the information that you requested:

Name: Dick Hurtz

Address: 1313 Mocking Bird Lane, The Bronx, NY 10468

Phone Number: (718) 369-9999


Dick Hurtz

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